Crowley, LYRASIS Expand Partnership to Support Archives Community

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Frederick, Maryland and Atlanta, Georgia – Nine months after announcing their vendor partnership to provide LYRASIS member organizations with best prices on production and patron microform and book scanners, The Crowley Company (Crowley) and LYRASIS have expanded their partnership to include bound volume digitization services.
“Crowley Imaging has provided imaging services on a referral basis to LYRASIS members for many years,” says Matthew McCabe, Crowley’s vice president of sales and marketing. “As with the scanners, we’ve reached a point where it makes sense to reward LYRASIS members with discounted pricing. We’re very pleased to have been selected as the LYRASIS book scanning vendor and to join their digitization collaboration.
Adds Hannah Rosen, LYRASIS licensed services coordinator, “Crowley Imaging is one of the nation’s most respected service bureaus and we’ve collaborated with them on several projects over the years. They offer the image quality, technology, industry knowledge and flexibility LYRASIS members need when considering the digitization of a book or bound volume collection.” All Crowley Imaging digitization efforts meet or exceed Library of Congress preservation specifications. High FADGI (Federal Agencies Digital Guidelines Initiative) standards, if required, can also be delivered.
LYRASIS supports enduring access to our shared academic, scientific and cultural heritage through leadership in open technologies, content services, digital solutions and collaboration with archives, libraries, museums and knowledge communities worldwide. A non-profit membership organization, LYRASIS was established in April 2009 with a collective history of legacy networks that dates back to 1936. LYRASIS continues its mission of supporting information professionals by offering creative solutions and increased savings opportunities.
The Crowley Company manufactures Mekel TechnologyWicks and Wilson and Crowley brand production and patron microfilm, microfiche, aperture card and book scanners and also represents premium scanner brands such as InoTec,  Zeutschel and others. In addition, the firm operates Crowley Imaging, a commercial service bureau that provides digitization services for documentsbooks, graphic artsmicrofilm (in all forms), archival preservation and image hosting.
The bound volume digitization discount program for LYRASIS members went into effect Monday, July 17th.

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