Visioneer, Inc. Joins TWAIN Working Group Board of Directors

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Visioneer CTO elected TWAIN Working Group Chairperson

Raleigh, NC – February 2, 2016 – The TWAIN Working Group (TWG), a not-for-profit organization designed to provide and foster a universal public standard which links applications and image acquisition devices, today announced the addition of Visioneer, Inc., to its Board of Directors. In addition, Visioneer CTO, Jon Harju, has been elected by the Board to assume the role of TWG Chairperson.  Pamela Doyle, TWG’s previous Chairperson of twenty years will now assume a still-active role as TWG Past Chair.

A world-class developer of intelligent imaging solutions, Visioneer will participate in the ongoing development of TWAIN initiatives and partnerships, to include participation in the TWAIN Technical Committee and development of the TWAIN Direct™ and PDF/Raster (PDF/R)™ specifications.  As Chairperson, Mr. Harju will oversee the day-to-day management responsibilities of the organization.

Said Walt Thinfen, Visioneer President and CEO, “The TWAIN Working Group is an organization that has changed the way imaging devices and software communicate through volunteer dedication and constant technological developments.  This Group of member companies works hard every day on technology that will continue to enable this communication in the best way possible.  I am certain through Visioneer’s commitment as an active member and Jon’s new role as Chairperson we can very ably contribute to the success of the organization.”

“We are very excited to welcome Visioneer to the TWAIN Working Group Board of Directors,” stated Pam Doyle, TWAIN Past Chair.  “Jon has been an active participant on the TWAIN Working Group board since 1997, and has been instrumental in establishing TWAIN technology as an industry standard through his technical expertise. As I move on to other activities, I am confident that Jon is the best candidate to take over the role of Chairperson for this group and move TWAIN technology into the future for the betterment of the imaging industry.”

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