Captiva e-Scan

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Did you see Captiva’s recent announcement about it’s first eScan implemenation?. Interesting thing about it, is that it doesn’t even include any paper capture. Here’s the explanation that we got from Rob Jensen, Captiva’s PR chief:

“CIC is using Kodak Digital Cameras (various models) and Sony Digital Recorders (various models). To clarify, they are not scanning paper claims. These are generated electronically via CIC’s central claims management facility; the field agents are adding the supplementary documentation (the photos and recordings) to these via eScan. CIC currently has 800 users of this application. There are some trailing paper documents that are still being mailed, but CIC is looking at scanning these in the future.”

Very interesting implemenation. Really speaks volumes about the potential of true content management and even digital asset management. We expect this multi-media capture to continue to become more important in the future.



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