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Oh yeah,related to the EMC deal, I love this post on Captiva’s Yahoo! message board. This sector is heating up. I just talked to a financial analyst who was all bummed because now that Captiva is off the market he needs to find someone else to cover. The problem with ScanSoft, of course, which is now known as Nuance, is that the majority of its revenue is from voice recognition. So, unless that poster is talking about the company spinning and selling off it’s imaging business… to raise money for the speech business, guess it could happen, but wouldn’t cause a huge jump in stock I don’t think.

Anyhow, also got a couple odd press releases – maybe just the timing one was. One is that eCopy will be showing at Documentum’s Momentum event. Remember that article I wrote about the ideal capture company commanding both ad hoc and batch product lines – could EMC buy eCopy.

Also, Datacap just announced it was integrating with the latest version of AIX – the old OTG document imaging application. Announced it today of all days. What’s up?

Finally, looks like imaging-related stocks like FileNET,Dicom, Plasmon, and even Stellent and Xerox a little are up today. ACS is way up too but for different reasons.

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