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McMahan at Kodak

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Hey, it’s been awhile since I’ve been on the blog. Been busy with a few things like upgrading our home page, adding a some new content and just doing a better overall job organizing it. We’ve been also cleaning some administrative house on this end. Hoping for a big 2007. Hope you are too.

Couple of significant personnel announcments in the industry
Kodak has apparently hired AIIM Chair Don McMahan to head its North American scanner and service sales. Official announcment doesn’t appear to be out yet, but the internal breifing was done yesterday. McMahan spend several years as the VP of sales and marketing at Kodak rival FCPA (Fujitsu Computer Products of America) before a sudden departure in 2005. He quickly resurfaced at Visioneer where he spent just over a year and built a strong VAR channel before leaving in late 2006.

Kodak would seem a good fit for McMahan’s skill set – as historically he has focused on what Kodak refers to as the “distributed” part of the market -FCPA and Visioneer being strong players in the fast growing workgroup of sub-$2,000 end of the market. Despite some strong products in the workgroup space, Kodak has mainly struggled to gain significant market share – and McMahan could be the tonic to break that slump. We’re looking forward to catching up with McMahan and the Kodak brass at the annual Breakaway event scheduled two weeks from now in Nashville…between now and then we’ll be traveling to St. Petersburg for Visioneer’s annual partner event, which ironically was started by McMahan last year.

Also, some cool stuff at Iron Mountain They made their Digital guy a president, so that shows you somewhat where their focus is going.

Finally, did you see that Kodak sold its Health Imaging business?

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