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Autonomy Acquires Iron Mountain Digital Assets

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I’m not sure why this is a good move for Iron Mountain aside from the fact that it generates some cash. According to a press release, Autonomy has agreed to pay $380 million in cash for a business with a run rate of $130-$140 million that includes “selected key assets of Iron Mountain’s digital division including archiving, eDiscovery and online backup.” I’m assuming this includes Iron Mountain’s growing document scanning business, which was certainly integrated with the e-discovery business.

I like the deal for Autonomy and have echoed the setiments of CEO Dr. Mike Lynch in the past: “”In 2007 we correctly predicted the merging of regulatory archiving and search, and we believe we are now seeing the next phase where the convergence of regulatory archiving, back-up and data restoration with operational processing of data in the cloud is coming to pass.” – A lot of my view was formed by conversations with Dr. Johannes Scholtes, the CEO of Zylab, another vendor with a focus on search, so I guess it would make sense that I agree with Autonomy’s strategy.

Apparently, Iron Mountain felt it couldn’t compete in the emerging cloud-based storage market.

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