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DocuWare Reports Strong 2010

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The DocuWare Group, a German-based ISV with a strong North American presence, recently announced a 19% growth in revenue for 2010. The brought the company, which specializes in document image management applications to 14.3 million Euros on annual revenue, the equivalent of more than $21 million. Almost all its sales come through a reseller channel, which had an estimated income of 66 million Euro, or $98 million related to DocuWare sales.

DocuWare Corp., the company’s U.S.-based subsidiary reported 19.5% growth, after leading the company with 14% growth in 2009. In 2010, smaller subsidiaries in Latin America and the U.K. reported higher growth rates than the U.S., with growth also coming in EMEA and German-speaking markets.

In the U.S. market, DocuWare was a pioneer in selling document imaging solutions through the digital copier channel and continues to have success in that segment. The company also continues to invest in its technology, especially in its Web client. Work on a SaaS version is also well underway.

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