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Check Fraud Scheme Utilizes Images

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I guess it it had to happen sooner or later. We spend a lot of time touting the security of electronic document technologies over paper, but now it appears that Russian hackers have broken into major check image repositories and used the images and associdated data to create some $9 million in couterfeit checks. I guess this isn’t the first time there have been security breaches associated with document imaging. I remember a few years back there was a redaction screw up with some secure DoD documents, but this one is way bigger in scope. It also leverages modern print technology, which is very closely tied to the imaging market.

Remember a few years back when Frank Abignale- the guy the movie Catch Me if you Can spoke at a TAWPI event? Frank is now an expert in preventing check fraud. I’d be interested to hear his opinions on the latest generation of check scammers and what we can do to stop them. eWeek seems to suggest throwing more technology at the problem, which makes sense, as long as the good guys can keep moving faster than the bad guys.


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