Crowley Contracts Imaging 411 for Service

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Crowley Company has signed on Imaging 411 to provide service to its image capture hardware customers. Crowley, which is based in Frederick, MD, sells a variety of microfilm- and document-capture scanners. Vendors that Crowley represents include Mekel Technology, Wicks and Wilson, InoTec, Zeutschel, Qidenus, Extek Microsystems and HF Processors. 

Historically, Crowley has serviced its own products, but has expanded to the point where it was beneficial to bring in a third-party provider. “With the addition of the Wicks and Wilson UScan and the Zeutschel zeta to our scanner line this year, our equipment sales have considerably increased, affecting our ability to service maintenance and technical support customers to the degree they deserve,” said Chris Crowley, co-owner and president of Crowley.  “From the customer standpoint. The Crowley Company remains the point of contact and the contracting agent. The only difference noticed will be faster turnaround.”

Based in Long Island, NY, Imaging 411 offers third-party service on a wide variety of scanning equipment from almost all leading vendors. Imaging 411 has some federal large government customers and also has a contract for scanner service with national service bureau Databank IMX. Imaging 411 also makes its service available to resellers who are looking for an alternative to vendor-provided service.

“Imaging 411 techs will receive intensive training on all Crowley brands and will be well-qualified to support the units in the field,” said Chris Crowley.

Imaging 411 will also act as a distributor of Crowley’s Wicks and Wilson, InoTec and Zeutschel products. Imaging 411 also offer Sunrise microfilm scanners as well as pre-owned scanners and equipment.

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