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Gartner Magic Quadrant Update

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If you receive my premium newsletter, you saw Friday that I ran an article on Gartner’s new report on the ECM Magic Quadrant. We mentioned that Hyland, Laserfiche, and Perceptive, three ISVs with document imaging-focused products, all made significant moves up and/or to the right, which is where you want to be on these charts. We apparently erred, however, in explaining Hyland’s move. Hyland actually moved from a challenger to a leader in the ECM  market. It is now grouped with heavy hitters like IBM, Microsoft, Oracle, EMC, and Open Text.

We thought this was an interesting quote from CEO A.J. Hyland in the company’s press release: “To us, product vision isn’t only about what you choose to do. It’s just as much about what you choose not to do.”

A couple other interesting points that I didn’t have room for in the newsletter:
1. Xerox made a significant move from a “niche player” to a “visionary,” primarily, from what I can tell, due to its acquisition of ACS last year.
2. One metric that may have helped imaging companies, and I take as a sign of the recognition of imaging’s importance in the ECM market (finally) is that imaging-processing related apps retained their weight of accounting for 15% of Gartner’s rating, while document management and WCM each dropped off 5%. Also, BPM, which is strength of most ISVs with imaging-focused products, gained 5%, as did “Extended Components,” which I’m assuming (but am not sure) could include document capture.

If you want to download a copy of Gartner’s report, go to the Hyland link above and there is a link on their site for downloading the report.  

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