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Google Book Scanning

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It seems Google’s intiative to put like 50 million books on-line is creating quite a stir the national press. Check out this
USA Today story that quotes both Dean Tang of ABBYY and Lotfi Belkhir of Kirtas, two of our favorite DIR sources.

We’ve got to pat ourselves on the back for our news sense, as this story comes on the heels of an article in DIR – that came out on Friday, about the potential of MRC (Mixed Raster Content)in similar types of applications. Aside from the article we offer the link to, however (which barely touches on it), the national press seems to have given little attention to the technical details of the Google project. This is soemthing we hope to tackle in our next issue, although Google is still being rather secretive.

What is especially exciting for the document imaging market is the potential that Google’s competitors will have to unveil similar projects to keep up.

We can’t wait!

Cheers. For now.


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