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Healthcare Information Exchanges Create Capture Opportunities

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If you didn’t see it, a couple weeks ago in the premium edition of DIR, I ran a summary of a presentation given by Dr. Craig Jones, Vemont’s executive director for its Blueprint for Health initiative. He discussed his state’s plan to create an electronic exchange for patient information that receives information from EMR systems. This was an idea first introduced to us as last year’s TAWPI-Fusion show by Accenture’s Chris Deelsnyder. And, it seems to be catching on, as today Maryland announced such an exchange center is shaping up in its state as well.

According to Dr. Jones, the opportunity and challenge for capture vendors regarding around these “exchanges” is being abel to ensure that needed information is captured off the patient records – which he says is a big hurdle at the current point in time, because EMR systems are generally very not good at this.

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