JSR 170, Linux drivers, and Captiva

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I guess you probably saw that the content repository standard JSR 170 passed.We’re not exactly sure what this means and how it will be utilized in the real world, but it seems like a great concept. This is the kind of stuff the Workflow Management Coalition, I believe has been trying to do for years, except this adds search and retrieval capablities. And it’s all a java-based standard, which could I guess lead us down some interesting Web servies-paved paths.

A random thought that came up in conversation last week and maybe remotely related to JSR 170. But, is anyone familiar with Linux-based document scanner drivers?

Finally, you may have seen the Captiva landed another InputAccel for Invoices deal, this one with Novartis UK – a big drug company. We find the fact the deal was in the U.K. as particularly significant, because that means the company was likely facing competition from BancTec and ReadSoft. As we’ve said before, Captiva, which entered the invoices game late, is really making some noise now. Also, interesting to note that Daniel Vaniche, who help a high position at SWT – is the spokesperson in the press release. That happened pretty fast. It’s also worth noting that Captiva’s stock is over $14 per share as I write this. Good work guys.



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