LEAD Technologies, Inc. Joins TWAIN Working Group as an Associate Member

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Raleigh, NC – November 6, 2018 – The TWAIN Working Group (TWG), a not-for-profit organization designed to provide and foster a universal public standard which links applications and image acquisition devices, today announced that LEAD Technologies, Inc. has joined the Group as an Associate member. LEAD Technologies is a leading provider of development toolkits for document, medical, multimedia, raster, and vector imaging. As a member of the TWAIN Working Group, LEAD Technologies will have early development access to the new TWAIN Direct standard, which can be included in solutions to implement imaging workflows, enabling applications for the desktop, mobile or in the cloud.
TWAIN Direct is the first zero-footprint, mobile-ready version of TWAIN’s royalty-free open standard protocol. It expedites development of applications accessing scanners, without requiring vendor-specific drivers. TWAIN Direct supports direct communication between a desktop or mobile application and scanning devices and addresses the need for something simple and direct that speeds along application development and results in a feature-rich end-user experience. 
“The timing is perfect to start our membership with the TWAIN Working Group,” stated Rich Little, President of LEAD Technologies. “TWAIN Direct is now ready for development with member companies. We want to create connection solutions that include TWAIN Direct, allowing users a simple way to implement workflows with capture applications. We are excited to be working with TWAIN and look forward to contributing to future development efforts and further identifying use cases for the technology.”
Said Jon Harju, TWAIN Chair, and CTO at Visioneer, Inc., Adding another tool provider to the TWAIN Working Group really enhances the profile or our member community. With the inclusion of LEAD Technologies, we have the potential to bring TWAIN Direct to existing desktop users of their popular platform and additionally expand their plugins to cloud and mobile enabled scanning solutions. We are looking forward to working with LEAD, an industry leader with a long history in the document imaging development community.”

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