Microsoft PDF

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It seems like after all the huffing and puffing about Metro, aka .XPS, Microsoft has come out in support of PDF. Speculation that we’ve seen is that the move is beibng driven by the State of Massachusetts reent announcement to go to non-proprietary document formats in all its state offices by the year 2007. According to eWeek. “As part of this new policy, the state will support the newly ratified Open Document Format for Office Applications, or OpenDocument, and PDFs (portable document format) as the standards for its office documents.” That would seem like a bit of rash and quick decision to us – but perhaps Microsoft is scared getting dumped by other state offices in favor of Open Source and PDF.

One thing is for sure, we were a bit surprised when Microsoft announced Metro because we thought they would just leverage ScanSoft’s rapidly improving PDF tools to create PDF in Office and really put some crunch on Acrobat. Don’t know if they’ve leveraged ScanSoft, but they’ve definitely put PDF creation in Office.


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