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ReadSoft's Fresneda Predicts More A/P Structure

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Steve McMair of the Transaction Directory published 2011 predictions from a number of transaction processing players today. ReadSoft U.S. president Bob Fresneda was among those featured. ReadSoft, a Sweden-based ISV, made its mark in North America with invoice processing solutions combining its automated data capture technology with SAP-centric workflow. In truth, its U.S. sales never really took off until the workflow component was introduced.

Not surprisingly, ReadSoft is now looking for ways to expand its process management expertise, with purchasing being a natural place to go, following invoices. In his 2011 prediction, Fresneda states, “The Aberdeen Group estimates that U.S. companies are losing nearly 25% of every dollar they spend due to maverick purchases that miss out on preferred pricing….As a result, I anticipate companies looking to standardize their order-to-cash and purchase-to-pay processes within their ERP systems in 2011.”

In fairness, Fresneda isn’t the only one touting the expansion of invoice processing applications into purchase-to-pay management. E-invoicing systems vendors are seeking the same type of expansion and other hosted “services” providers are diving into this realm as well. Certainly something that bears watching.

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