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Xerox Acquires ISV/SI

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Last week Xerox acquired DocuShare systems integrator WaterWare Internet Services. Water Ware, which is based in Northern California, near the Palo Alto Xerox office where DocuShare is developed, will do professional services and software development related to implementations of Xerox DocuShare implementations. They were doing this on their own previously, but now will do it in conjunction with the Xerox sales team.

WaterWare has already developed some software applications around  DocuShare, including at least a couple that include some document capture functionality. We did a story last year on one of WaterWare’s implementations at an L.A.-area hospital. WaterWare is named after founder Mark Waters who is now Xerox’s DocuShare Solutions manager. We’ll have more on this in our next premium issue.

The acqusition of an ISV/SI like WaterWare is another indication of MFP vendors’ desire to move more deeply into software and services. I’m not sure that this fufills my beginning of the year prediction that an MFP vendor will buy a capture ISV, but on a small scale, this is certainly an example of that.

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